Changes For 0.7a - Support control print repeated value - support odbc - support date pattern - support average calculation for time variable - remove gpc magic quote function call in fpdf Changes For 0.7 - Support TCPDF writeHTML (add text property expression with 'writeHTML'='1'), view sample5.jrxml - Support numbering expression, view sample2.jrxml - Allow sum(only) operation in text field with format "("+$V{VAR1}+$V{VAR2}+")" Changes For 0.6d -Change chinese-unicode short open tag debugsql=true it will display the final sql statement and halt the program. It is very good for traceability purpose. Changes For 0.6c - Support Chinese unicode, refere sample4.php (pdf font shall set as uGB in iReport) Changes For 0.6b - Try to support chinese-unicode (Buggy) Changes For 0.6a - Fix some bugs issue in setting up pdf font during iReport Changes for 0.6 - Second official version Changes from initial version - Rewrite all source code, replace from using xmlparser to simple_xml for xml processing - Alot of bugs fix - Centralize manage text field, static text, line - Support print when expression - Support report group - Support dynamic image path - Replace fpdf multicell heigh to font height - Source code for process xml file changed, refer sample 1,2,3